Playground Netting

October 13, 2022 - US Netting

Playground Netting

Children can be exposed to danger in many ways, and playground netting is one of the best ways to prevent this. Playground netting is an added layer of protection that can also save you time and money. There are many benefits to using playground netting, and if you're still unsure what kind of netting to use, make sure to read the rest of this article. Playground nets protect children, adults, or pets from machinery such as swings or slides. They also provide a higher level of security against falls down openings in decks, balconies, or other natural features in the landscape, like cliffsides. Playgrounds are designed for fun, but parents must know that they'll always be there if their child needs them.

1. Increased Risk for Skin Cancer by Sun Exposure

Skin Cancer is the most common type of cancer for Americans. Skin cancer is most likely to occur in places with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, such as your face, neck, and arms. Children are particularly at risk because they play outside more often than adults. The younger they are, the more likely they will play outdoors, making them more susceptible to skin cancer. Playground Shade is one of the best and easiest ways to prevent your child from getting skin cancer.

2. Sunburn

Sunburn is a common reaction to overexposure to the sun. Sunburn can be painful and sometimes even dangerous, especially if left untreated. Most people are familiar with the pain of sunburn, but there are some lesser-known dangers as well. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to Premature Aging and Wrinkles. Skin roughness and Bronze skin color may also appear on exposed areas. If you notice any of these symptoms, you must take your child in for a check-up as soon as possible. Playground Shade is the easiest way to protect your child from these side effects of sun exposure.

3. Prevention of Blisters and Skin Abrasions

Blisters and skin abrasion are ordinary in places exposed to the elements, such as feet, legs, or hands. These injuries occur in two ways; one is from direct contact with rough surfaces like rocks or sand. The other is because of excessive heat caused by prolonged exposure to the sun's rays, so it is important to provide a playground with a shade above it that will relieve the sun's heat. Playground nets are an excellent shade choice because they will protect children from exposure to both of these elements.

4. Chafing and Chafing Rash

Chafing occurs when the skin is rubbed against a surface which can cause irritation and rash. Children may not be in direct contact with the chafe, but their clothing or shoes can rub against the surface, causing these problems. Chafing is also common for people who are out in the sun for too long or wearing nothing but thin clothing. This severe condition can lead to other more severe problems such as Blisters and Skin Infections. A playground shade is a perfect way to stop this from spreading by providing a layer of netting between the skin and cause for chafing.

5. Fungal Infections and Bacterial Skin Irritations

Fungal infections and bacterial skin irritations are often caused by prolonged exposure to the sun's rays. Hot temperatures can cause over sweating, especially if you are active, which causes the skin to break down. Fungi and other microorganisms can easily survive on your skin, causing these infections. Fungal Infections can be complicated to cure and can be painful as well. Most fungal infections occur in people with weak immune systems because they are sick or taking medications that lower their immune system.

6. The Cost Playground Shade

The cost of playground shade may seem a bit to handle at first, but it is much more economical because you will not have to pay as much for medical bills. If you had to take your child in for treatment, it would cost you a couple of hundred dollars, especially if they have a fungal infection or bacterial skin irritation. Although there is no way to ensure that your child won't be exposed to the elements, it is always better to be safe than sorry, and because of that, playground netting should always be used when children are around. As with all dangers that children face, the best way to protect them is by providing them with protection and, most importantly, keeping them safe in their backyard.

Children are particularly at risk because they play outside more often than adults. The younger they are, the more likely they will play outdoors, making them more susceptible to skin cancer. Playground Shade is one of the best and easiest ways to prevent your child from getting skin cancer. Sunburn is a common reaction to overexposure to the sun. Sunburn can be painful and sometimes even dangerous, especially if left untreated. Most people are familiar with the pain of sunburn, but there are some lesser-known dangers as well. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to Premature Aging and Wrinkles. Skin roughness and Bronze skin color may also appear on exposed areas. If you notice any of these symptoms, you must take your child in for a check-up as soon as possible. Playground Shade is the easiest way to protect your child from these side effects of sun exposure.