The Current State of Aviation Netting and Cargo
There's no denying that people are shipping more cargo than ever. With e-commerce still on the rise companies like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy are sending tons of product all over the world. Another segment that people might not think of off hand is the cargo that flys off to space.
One awesome feat of aviation cargo was the launch of the most high-tech cargo ever to be delivered to the International Space Station. SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket will travel over two days through space and end up at the ISS.
What makes this cargo so amazing is that it contains a super computer built by Hewlett Packard Enterprises to the ISS. SpaceX has done 12 including this unmanned trips for NASA since 2012.

Cool videos involving Cargo
Here is a handful of videos that showcase some of the top cargo carriers in aviation.
View the videos at
Working to be a FAA Certified Repair Station
Since US Netting is currently working on becoming a certified FAA Repair station, we have been studying quite a bit of material. Below are a few videos that we find fascinating. Please write to us and let us know if you have anything else that we may have missed. We love to check out new resources and find new content to consume.
Cargo Conversions
On another note, it seems that some 737-800 Boeing aircraft are becoming available for conversion for use in cargo sooner than initially projected.
"Although older-generation single-aisle and twin-aisle aircraft generally make the best candidates for freighter conversions, values of mid-life examples of newer-generation models such as the Boeing 737-800 will decline enough in the next 24 to 36 months to render them suitable for adaptation to cargo haulers, according to a new white paper released by UK-based consultancy IBA Group. From 2020, the market for conversions of newer-generation aircraft should accelerate to meet freighter replacement and cargo-market growth needs, it added."AINOnline - Read More about Cargo Conversions
Continued Growth in Cargo Operations
We at US Netting love the idea of cargo growth. Whether it's on the ground or in the air we take care of it from our custom solutions for the truck, ship, or repairing your existing nets for airworthiness; US Netting is ready for you and all your cargo handling and cargo netting needs from the dock to the destination.
Finally, another great asset that shows some signs of growth is Boeings "World Air Cargo Forecast" which you can find here: World Air Cargo Forecast.
This PDF Document outlines some great metrics including showing how world air cargo traffic will more than double over the next 20 years. That's good news for the aviation industry!
Questions? Comments? Ready to order your next custom net? Get in touch with us in regards to aviation netting products, prototypes or cargo net repairs at ([email protected]) or call us at 1-800-331-2973 and we will be happy to assist you.