Netting News #33: Going Strong
If you have news that you would like share, submit articles, pictures, and ideas to [email protected].
Growing Strong
What happens when two solid acres of apple trees are covered with shade cloth? The owners of Long Ranch in Naches, Washington had an issue with their fruits being sunburnt in the strong summer heat. With a stroke of genius, ranch foreman Eladio Gonzales came up with a solution. His plan was to cover the trees with shade cloth to protect them from the harsh UV rays, and by his estimate, the ranch would see a change in about a year.
Within just a few weeks Gonzales saw a clear change. The shaded trees seemed more lush, and the large branches suddenly bore apples. Like many other farms in the industry, the Long Ranch has frequently used netting to protect it from hail and feeding birds; however, with the Eladio's discovery, the entire ranch now has added protection by way of shade cloth coverings.

More good news has been announced for the second quarter of 2017. The rate of cargo theft and the theft of truck and trailers is decreasing. The CargoNet Firm reports 110 tractors and 109 trailers were stolen in the United States during the second quarter, down 17% and 29%, respectively, from the first quarter of 2017.
California reported the most thefts in this quarter; however, reports indicate this number is still an improvement, down 53% from the first quarter. Texas followed California with a 51% decrease in theft. A warning from the CargoNet Firm is that even though the number of thefts has decreased, that number has not yet reached zero , so it’s best to keep your guard up when hauling cargo.
What's your plan?

One of the most crucial plans for any building is its fire escape plan. Less than half of all families know exactly what to do in the event of a fire within their home. On average, you have about two minutes to escape a burning building without being injured, so every second counts.
While you may only have a few family members in your home, you likely have a few hundred people in your place of business. What happens if a fire breaks out there? Do you know what your fire escape plan is?
Get in touch with us!
Questions? Comments? Ready to order your next custom net? Contact us for help via email ([email protected]) or call us at 1-800-331-2973 and we will be happy to assist you.
Don't forget to submit your stories!
If you have news that you would like to be heard, submit any articles, pictures, and ideas to [email protected].