Netting News in May - Safety and Netting in May 2018

The Napa Countryside isn’t just for sipping wine. See how firefighters use ropes to perform and practice rescue missions on the steep cliffs adjacent to the Monticello Dam. They are using special ropes and harnesses in order to prepare themselves for these situations. The Dam location allows for multiple styles of rescue including water for aquatic rescue missions, confined space, and steep cliffs for even more treachery.
How do demolitions work? Dynamite, fencing, safety barriers, and plenty of netting

Have you ever wondered how a building implosion works? In this article from HowStuffWorks they talk about the steps that a demolition crew would go through to detonate a building. We found the details to be extremely interesting. The article features some inside imagery of concrete columns and rooms packed with dynamite. Don’t forget your debris netting and safety fence!
An excellent guide to Sun Safety when working outside this summer
Sometimes safety isn’t just about stopping forklifts, catching falling material, or wearing a hard hat. An enormous amount of people are treated for skin cancer. It is extremely important to pay attention if you are working outside this summer. In this article from EHS today they talk about the importance of protecting yourself from the sun. Keep yourself away from a major growing health concern in skin cancer and read on about how to protect yourself.
“Five million people are treated each year for skin cancer at an annual cost of $8.1 billion, according to the report.” Skin cancer is a major health problem. If you work outdoors, it’s important to educate yourself on how you can protect your skin!

Contact US Netting for your Fall Safety & Debris Net Needs
If you have an interest in getting a custom fall safety or debris net constructed by US Netting, please call us at 1-800-331-2973 our sales reps are available from 8:30 am to 7 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday thru Thursday and 8:30 am to 5 pm on Fridays. Our representatives would love to assist you in creating a safe work environment for your employees and passersby.
Building Collapses in Sao Paolo
In an incredible event a building collapsed to the ground in Sao Paolo last week. In this disastrous fire turned collapse the building initially caught fire and then quickly became engulfed in flames. Shortly after the building collapsed sending firey debris on neighboring buildings. Follow the link to CBS to see a video of the disaster.
Company insights on best practices in safety
Triax Technologies is sharing its best practices for safety week. Read on to see some of the tips they are providing to improve the safety of jobsites.
“In Recognition of Safety Week, Triax Technologies Shares Best Practices for Jobsite Safety” Safety Week starts May 7, 2018. Check out this article to learn some key strategies for improving safety outcomes on job sites. We, at US Netting, offer safety products for construction sites!
Get in touch with us!
Questions? Comments? Ready to order your next custom net? Contact us for help via email ([email protected]) or call us at 1-800-331-2973 and we will be happy to assist you.
Don't forget to submit your stories!
If you have news that you would like to be heard, submit any articles, pictures, and ideas to [email protected].