Made in the USA

Drum Slings

Drum Sling

The Drum Sling is designed as an efficient and effortless way to handle 55 gallon ribbed metal drums. The sling is available in 1" and 2" web widths depending on capacity required. The upper lifting leg is Cordura buffered on both sides for greater abrasion resistance. The circumference strap has a ratchet binder which is used for tightening below the first rib of the drum.

Warning! Do not exceed capacities. 550lbs for DR1-0601 and 850lbs for DR1-0602.

Note: The Drum Slings have two vertical legs permanently sewn to the circumference strap which eliminates the necessity of positioning the lifting legs. If lifting a different size drum, specify "adjustable" when ordering. The sling will be supplied with only one of the vertical legs permanently sewn to the circumference strap, leaving the other to be infinitely adjustable to accomodate any drum diameter.


  • 1 inch
  • 550 lbs.
  • $240.12
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  • 2 Inch
  • 850 lbs.
  • $313.50
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Need assistance placing an order? Call us at 1-800-331-2973